This is the python script used to generate the pictures for article 79649

#!/usr/bin/env python3

# ================================================================
#  This script generates pictures for article 79649
#  Written by Randy S (2022)
# ================================================================

import numpy as np
import scipy.integrate as integrate
import matplotlib.pyplot as plotter
import sys

global numdims

num = 30 # number of grid-points in the vector-field pictures

# ===================================================================
def get_xbeta( x, y ):

    return 2*x + y - x*y

# ===================================================================
def get_ybeta( x, y ):

    return (4-numdims)*y - 3*y*y

# ===================================================================
def get_fixed_points():

    global numdims

    if numdims == 4:
        x = np.array( [0, 0] )
        y = np.array( [0, 0] )
        x = np.array( [0, 1/(1-(6.0/(4-numdims)))] )
        y = np.array( [0, (4-numdims)/3.0] )

    if 0:  # check
        print( 'Should be zero:', 2*x+y-x*y )
        print( 'Should be zero:', (4-numdims)*y-3*y*y )

    return x, y

# ===================================================================
def finishPlotting( ax, filename ):

    fs = 16
    for item in ([ax.title,
                  ax.yaxis.label] +
                  ax.get_xticklabels() + ax.get_yticklabels() ):

    if 1:
        # Save picture to file
        fig = plotter.gcf()
        filename += '.pdf'
        print( 'Writing ' + filename )
        # fig.tight_layout()
        fig.savefig(filename, bbox_inches='tight')
        print( 'Closed  ' + filename )

    # Show the picture on the screen

# ===================================================================
def showFunction( filename ):

    xfp, yfp = get_fixed_points()

    fig, ax = plotter.subplots()

      "text.usetex": True,
      "": "Helvetica"

    # choose the range to show for each axis
    if numdims <= 4:
        xmin = -0.35
        xmax =  0.15

        ymin = -0.1
        ymax =  0.4

        if 0: # closeup for d = 3.9
            xmin = -0.035
            xmax =  0.015

            ymin = -0.01
            ymax =  0.04
        xmin = -0.15
        xmax =  0.35

        ymin = -0.4
        ymax =  0.1

    # show the axes
    plotter.plot( [xmin,xmax], [0,0], color='gray' )
    plotter.plot( [0,0], [ymin,ymax], color='gray' )

    # show the fixed points
    for k in range(len(xfp)):
        plotter.plot( xfp[k], yfp[k], 'ob' )

    # show the arrows
    x,y = np.meshgrid(np.linspace( xmin, xmax, num ), \
                      np.linspace( ymin, ymax, num ))

    xbeta = get_xbeta( x, y )
    ybeta = get_ybeta( x, y )

    if normalize:
        amp = 1/np.sqrt(xbeta**2 + ybeta**2)
        amp = 1

    plotter.quiver( x, y, amp*xbeta, amp*ybeta )

    # control the number of tick-marks
    plotter.locator_params(axis='x', nbins=5)
    plotter.locator_params(axis='y', nbins=5)

    # label the graph
    ax.set_xlabel( r'$g_2$' )
    ax.set_ylabel( r'$g_4$' )
    title = r'$d=' + str(numdims) + '$'
    if normalize:
        title += ', normalized'
    ax.set_title( title )

    finishPlotting( ax, filename )

# ===================================================================
#   Main program

if len(sys.argv) < 4:
    print( 'Usage:' )
    print( '  numdims  normalize  filename' )
    print( 'with' )
    print( '    numdims = number of spacetime dimensions' )
    print( '    normalize = 0 or 1' )
    print( '    filename (without extension -- .pdf will be appended)' )

# inputs from command-line
numdims    = float(sys.argv[1]) # number of spacetime dimensions
normalize  =   int(sys.argv[2]) # 0 or 1
filename   =       sys.argv[3]

showFunction( filename )